The Career Wellness Coach, ex-Product Manager

I'm here to make your Monday mornings your favorite time of the week.

You spent years working toward a career that you should be proud of. The degrees, the promotions, the pay checks, the LinkedIn social validation... you've been told this is what success looks like and are on the path to achieving it.

But lately, when you open your laptop every morning, something feels off. You've been feeling tired yet wired, unable to sleep, irritable with colleagues, constantly anxious, emotionally distraught, unable to focus, physically unwell, unable to disconnect, and a diminished sense of accomplishment.

The drive and grind that powered you this far seems to be gone. Yet while you show up to work and slap on a smile, you're left scrolling LinkedIn job boards saying:

"I need to change my career...but I'm too exhausted to even figure out what I want to do next, let alone apply."

Sound familiar?

I hear you.


52% of all workers are burnt out.

I'm here to change that stat.

As a former senior product manager working in tech, people-pleaser, corporate-ladder climber, and all around get it done against all odds-er, I get it.

By my mid-twenties, I’d let my fear of not being good enough control my behaviours to the point of burning out. I was exhausted, anxiety-ridden, cynical, and unable to decide what to wear to work without breaking down. Life felt dull yet chaotic as I watched massive goals I'd set for myself float away.

A pivotal moment came when I confessed to having a panic attack for breakfast, a migraine for lunch, and a date with my email inbox for dinner. A friend's words sparked a much-needed change:

"Gabs, self-neglect will be your demise."

Patterns of self-neglect (ie. no self-care, no boundaries, and a 'me vs. the world attitude') all in the name of 'career success' had pushed me to sacrifice my health for material nothingness... (can you relate?)

Weeks of soul searching (ie. self-help books, podcasts, and coaching) illuminated that while my ego was thriving, my body was failing. The the life and career I desired would not materialise at the speed I was going.

So on a cold January morning, I took a deep breath and said "let's get to work".

I gave up alcohol, started moving my body, and learned to say "no" to extra work, got comfortable with being still, and began identifying, accepting, and re-writing the limiting beliefs that kept me burnt out. Within several months, I was a new version of myself and ready to figure out what I wanted out of my life and career.

This practice now underpins The 9-to-5 Revive, my signature 1:1 coaching program that helps ambitious (burnt out) corporate job seekers:

1. Regulate their nervous systems.
2. Define their Zone of Genius (aka: flow state).
3. Design a personal brand that lands them their next job (without endless LinkedIn applications).

Here's a sample of what I help you do

(Because yes, I know you're thinking "but I can't get better and find a job I actually enjoy" and I'm here to reassure you, you can. I've seen it work.)


Sleep... a champ so you can create your best work & build a burnout-free life



...those racing thoughts that derail your day and wake you up at 2-am so you can invest your brain power into what moves the needle



...throughout your hectic day to keep your energy levels high without 4 cups of coffee so you can show up for yourself & those around you.



...your Zone of Genius so you can start building a career in alignment with your flow state.



...clarity about your personal and professional values so we can chart your next career step without letting the path there exhaust you



...a personal brand that gets you in front of the people and companies who need your special sauce



...a step-by-step career plan that empowers you to pivot from one career path to another (think CV & LinkedIn optimisation, interview prep, content creation, and cover letter writing).

"I could not sleep before I started working with Gabriela. I'd doom scroll LinkedIn until 4am to calm my anxiety, feel exhausted the next day, and still push myself toward promotions. Gabriela has helped me detach my identity from my job, which to my surprise has helped me achieve new professional milestones. Lessening the pressure on myself allowed me to invest in areas (mindset, fitness, boundaries) that got me closer to my goals."

- Adam (USA)

"I desperately needed to change career paths but lacked any confidence or energy to do so. I was stuck in a toxic job with no way out. Gabriela helped me regain my energy and build the confidence needed to make the jump to an entirely new industry. Within 2 months I had 3 offers."

- Emma (UK)

Let's get one thing straight.

Your health comes before your job.

Introducing, The 9-to-5 Revive.

The 9-to-5 Revive is your roadmap to harmonizing a successful (on your terms) career with a calm, overwhelm-free mind.

The job seekers I work with embark on a journey from feeling overwhelmed and disconnected in their jobs to becoming masters of their own calm, clarity, and courage. They learn to regulate their nervous system, align their career with their values, and build personal brands that land them jobs they feel good in.


The REGULATE Phase is all about returning you to your baseline, recognizing that future goals are unreachable with a stressed mind. We'll tackle this with personalized practices like meditation, breathwork, prioritization frameworks, and EFT, focusing on transforming stress into serenity. This isn't just about immediate relief; it's about getting you good at stress so you can overcome whatever life throws at you.


The DEFINE Phase empowers you to align your life and career with what genuinely feels at ease with your body, and most importantly define your next career step. We achieve this through a defining your Zone of Genius: aka the intersection of your innate talents, skills, and values.


The DESIGN Phase focuses on bringing your reimagined life and career, whether it's a new path, altering your current job, or starting your venture to life. We'll create a detailed action plan, leveraging my expertise in personal branding, CV/LinkedIn optimization, interview prep, career change, and business development. This phase is about taking decisive steps toward a fulfilling, energizing future where you enjoy Mondays, not dread them.

Ready for a taster of The 9-to-5 Revive?

During your Calm Career Strategy Call, I take you through Day 1 of The 9-to-5 Revive.

This isn't your normal discovery call. Yes, there will be a sales pitch at the end & yes you can decide not to proceed (this is a two-way street, you've got to feel it too!) BUT, we start coaching from the minute the call starts.

If you're curious what the call entails, we will identify the source of your burnout, visualize your desired career, and begin creating a path to get there. Simple as that.

Career Coach working on laptop

The 9-to-5 Revive is for any burnt out job seeker who is...

➡️ Stuck in the grips of burnout and living off coffee to fuel them…

➡️ Trapped by perfectionism at work and uninterested in the actual work…

➡️ Trying to clarify their next career step and becoming more confused...

➡️ Trying pivot career paths and not landing interviews (even after updating their CV 10x)….

➡️ Conscious something about their career needs to change and are paralyzed by fear…

➡️ Sensing a disconnect between their personal values and their job’s demands…

But is too exhausted to take any step forward, let alone a step they feel confident about.

“I'd been looking for a new job for months but could not land an interview. My lack of progress fuelled my burnout even more. Gabriela helped me understand the source of my burnout and took me through a combination of deep inner healing, practical strategies, and mindset work. With renewed energy, I could finally clarify my next job and learning to build a personal brand that landed me a great job."

Celine F.

London, UK

What is included with The 9-to-5 Revive?

How we create the burnout-free life & career you deserve.


Each week we spend 50 mins on coaching techniques for beating burnout, defining your Zone of Genius, and designing your personal brand.

By the end, you'll have your energy back, have clarity on your next career step, and a plan to get there.


Breakthroughs happen throughout the week! Send me a quick text or voice note to share your win & strategize next steps.

My job as a coach is to empower you always (during business hours -- hey boundaries!), not only during our weekly sessions.


It's your dream, I'm just here to help you make it happen. Hard work is required, but I'm on that mountain with you!

I help you recognize and appreciate the incredible growth you are experiencing, and keep you accountable to the goals you want to achieve.


  • Ex-People Pleaser
  • Ex-Perfectionist
  • Ex-Workaholic
  • Ex-Constant "What-If-er"
  • Ex-Red-wine-to-manage-stress-er
  • Ex-Digital Dopamine Addict

But always still a work in progress!

  • ICF-certified Life Coach
  • ICF-certified Success Coach
  • ICF-certified NLP Practitioner
  • ICF-certified Mindset Coach
  • Certified Career Coach
  • Certified Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Practitioner
  • Certified Thought Field Therapy (TFT) Practitioner